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In January, 2021, my wife Kay and I sailed our Beneteau 40 “Karma” from our home on Hilton Head Island, SC to the Florida Keys and Bahamas. Kay gets seasick, but she lasted 77 days on the boat, which is pretty amazing. Here are some highlights from this special trip, which is the first of what will hopefully be many sailing trips.

We motored offshore from Hilton Head Island to St Augstine in 24 hours, averaging 7 knots through the night. We only stayed at the St Augustine marina one night. The Covid Pandemic was going on, so that put a damper on things on shore. The following morning we motored down the ICW towards Fort Pierce, FL.

From Ft. Pierce, we went offshore and sailed/motored past Miami to one of the cuts in the Florida Keys. We found a good anchorage at Rodriguez Key.