by Randy Brown, Naval Architect
MAXSURF Complete Overview and Demo in 15 minutes
Using MAXSURF with GHS Geometry Files Video 1 of 3
Using MAXSURF Stability with GHS Geometry Files Video 2 of 3
MAXSURF Stability In-Depth Demo
MAXSURF Parametric Transformation & Resistance of Ship
MAXSURF Motions for Vessel Seakeeping Analysis
MAXSURF Structure Demo of a Trawler Hull
by Mr. Phil Christensen, VP Offshore & Marine, Bentley Systems
The original audience for these webinar presentations were college students as part of the Bentley BeCareers Program. They serve as an excellent source to get a detailed background on MAXSURF users and an overview of the powerful capabilities of MAXSURF in the fields of Naval Architecture, Shipbuilding, and Yacht Design.
MAXSURF Structure & Multiframe
University and Academic Use of MAXSURF
Technical Seminars
by Mr. Phil Christensen, VP Offshore & Marine, Bentley Systems:
(some of the videos use an older version of the software with the original module names such as Hydromax, Hullspeed, Seakeeper, etc)
Modeling Hull for Stability Analysis (Modeling for Hydromax)
Creating a Tri-Mesh Surface from Existing Design
Working with Background Images
Creating NURBS Surfaces from Table of Offsets (formerly called Prefit)
Surfaces from MAXSURF to Ship Constructor
Structure Parts from MAXSURF to Ship Constructor

Hydrostatics and Stability Analysis:
Checking Your MAXSURF Model for Stability Analysis
Stability Concepts and Specified Condition
KN Analysis (Cross Curves of Stability)
Probabilistic Damage Stability Intro
Probabilistic Damage Stability V2
Probabilistic Damage Stability V3
Probabilistic Damage Stability V4
Probabilistic Damage Stability V5

Introduction to Resistance and Powering with MAXSURF
Resistance and Powering Prediction
Resistance and Powering Analysis
Resistance and Powering Slender Body Method
Resistance and Powering Wave Making and Wake Generation
Motions using Seakeeper Introduction V1
Motions using Seakeeper Setup V2
Motions using Seakeeper Viewing Results